Unwanted sex...

Alyssa • My mind is a busy place.
So this past weekend I went out with a guy that I met through a friend. My friend told me that this guy wasn't a good dude. He said he drinks too much and is just a piece of shit. I believed him but I decided to give him a chance. We went out and got something to eat. I ended up stuck at his house cause of the hurricane. Well everything was good. He was being really sweet. I didn't expect anything from him when I decided to go out with him. He brought up the stuff about really liking me and wanting to be with me. Then he invites his friend over after we lost power and the streets were a little safer to drive on. He told his friend to try to fuck me. He did try. I said no. When I found out he told him to I was extremely pissed. He said he wanted to see if I would actually do it although I think I made it very obvious that I'm not that type of girl. Well I go to his room cause he wouldn't take me home which is understandable cause he was drinking and the roads were bad. All of our phones are dead at this point. His friend comes in the room to "check on me". Apparently the guy I originally went out with went outside. His friend was trying to kiss me and pull my clothes off and I was trying to leave. I told him I didn't want to have sex with him. I fought him for about an hour and then I gave up and just let it happen. Now I just hate myself and I feel so used and disgusting. The other guy walked in and heard and threw my clothes out thinking I was a slut. I have never felt so gross about myself in my life. I've hated myself since I was ten years old and now I'm 20 and I just hate myself more than I ever have. I tried to get away from him. Maybe I should've tried harder... I just want to forget about all this and move on but I just keep feeling like a disgusting, weak slut. Idk why I'm posting this. It's 4am and I guess I just need to vent...