

The last week.has sucked. I thought I was pregnant after 3 years of trying and this was our second round of trigger shot. I got my cycle this morning:(

We ended the night in a huge fight. My hubby told me and the kids to get the fuck out and that we're useless. That he's been drinking more because of us. It ended with everyone crying and him having a full on meltdown over why some of the most messed up people have kids by accident but we're doing all the right things and nothing. This is not like him to flip out like this EVER but the stress of ttc obviously hit it's peak today and he lost all sense.

We now sat and made a deadline of if this dosent happen by January with the trigger shot we will stop.

For those who have used the trigger shot and concieved, how many cycles did it take? I know everyone's different but just curious.