he stays so low

I'm 28 weeks, and I feel like my baby is still just staying down in my pelvis. Sometimes I do feel his feet up above my belly button
But  when I'm laying on my side I feel his kicks hard towards my hips kind of it's hard to explain. Like really far back and not up front. It is so uncomfortable where he is. I sometimes worry that something is wrong and that's why he never moved upwards. I have placenta previa so in my over imaginative head it has something to do with the placenta being down there and he's like stuck low. 
You would never know he was low lying because my belly looks pretty normal when I'm standing. But when I lay down I can see his body down low. Lol 
I'm probobly not making a whole lot of sense I'm sleepy and just sort of rambeleing as he is kicking my sides. Sigh. 
The pic of me laying down is still 28 weeks. My belly pretty much disappears and you just see his body down low. It's been the same like my entire pregnancy he hasn't moved up. I remember my daughter being way high under my ribs