Craziest DREAM

MiSs🌈iRiS • 👼our baby was to beautiful for earth👼

So if yall know. I had a Mc last year of Sept 22. And still ttc it's been a whole year and I'm worried it's never going to happen again.

But had a dream the other day that my little sister was pregnant. And the way we found out was in my dream my sister was telling me, sis I think I'm pregnant I said okay well let's go to the store and buy you a pregnancy test so we did and when we got back we were like maybe it'll be good luck and we tied pregnancy test to some fishing line and throw it out into the lake so the fish could give it good luck so we did and we railed railed it back in and then sure enough it said positive so we ran to the restroom and you know we were happy and what not remember this is all in my dream so anyways at the end of my dream it was weird because she was the one pregnant but I was the one who ended up pushing the baby out so I thought that was really really strange it was just a weird crazy dream to me what do you guys think have any of you had any dreams similar to mine thank you