Staying positive with negative results

Hello ladies! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since May and every single month it's always negative. I definitely have never had a problem getting pregnant before as I have been in the past so I can't figure out what my issue is. We have tried every other day, every day, random days, I've been taking prenatals, and I just don't know what to do. I've technically been off birth control since February and not even then did anything happen. My periods are pretty regular and I'm healthy. I'm having a very very hard time staying positive and not getting stressed out. Every negative result just brings me down a little bit more and I'm starting to think it just won't happen. I'm getting to my personal age mark that if it doesn't happen by my next birthday in September I'm just throwing in the towel, which would be a very sad thing for me. I have one child and my husband has two; I just would like one together and don't know what else to try...ideas anyone?