my girl came early...

Hi all, 
I am hoping to hear from other preemie moms, as I'm starting to struggle... my sweet Emrie <a href="">Eve</a> was born at 34+6, and 4lb11oz. I know we are incredibly luckily, I went into preterm at 33w, and received steroids immediately. However I was preeclamptic, and things got complicated with her breech, so Emmie was born on 10/6. She's doing amazingly well. I know we are so blessed that she has never needed IV or intubation. Our struggle is she is too tired from working so hard doing other things (maintaining temperature) that she won't eat. Today was our best day, drinking 8ml of her 40 for breakfast. 
We are so thankful to live about 2 min from the hospital, and spend most of the day there. But I've never felt pain like this. I feel helpless, and I want more than anything for my girl to build her strength and be home with us. 
How did you handle having to leave your baby? Does anyone have experience with this preemie behavior? My doctor told me it's the most common thing they see with preemies, and as soon as she builds her strength the eating will follow...
Thank you all ❤️