Dear Baby

Dear Hudson Russell,

You almost died during birth. You are my precious rainbow baby. You have everything about my eyes, bright blue and crazy long eyelashes. You are spoiled beyond repair. You take up the whole bed and daddy sleeps on the couch most nights. You puke all over my side of the bed. You've pooped all over me. You've cried for hours and hours. You think its funny when you cry just so mommy will pick you up. You are so incredibly nosey that you fight your sleep and become grouchy. You get sick a lot and very easily. You're an asshole 98% of the time. But You always wake up with a smile on your face. You love to talk. You love giving mommy "kisses". You are 120% loved by both sides of your family. You are way too adorable and you already know it. You know you just have to bat those long eyelashes and smile at mommy to get anything you won't. You will forever and always be mommy's baby boy. I'll love you forever and always.

