Females TTC, do you (ORGASM)

I'm curious what everyone is doing? I'm trying TTC and I'm in the beginning of my fertility cycle.  My SO likes it if I have an orgasm before him, it gives him the green light but I read a study that you can increase your odds in getting pregnant by having an orgasm after he has ejactulated.  During a female orgasm, the muscle contractions assist in propelling the sperm closer to the egg.  Also, it aides watery mucus to help sperm swim.  
I'm gonna try this theory?  I guess we'll just have to see... 😜
I also read this article on female orgasms, they play a bigger role on reproductive health than what people may understand.  During your fertility window it's important to have orgasms to help release hormones to support ovulation... I'm all about that!  😉

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