Dehydrated, irritated, & miserable

I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow, due 10-21 and I've been dehydrated for 3 weeks now..The midwives don't seem to care. One would think that maybe there is a reason why I've been dehydrated for weeks, and I chug water like it's going out of style.. And when I asked about being induced, because this isn't my first rodeo and I know my body will not progress past a 1. They were just like "you don't have what's considered a favorable cervix, a favorable cervix is 3-4cm dialated and you are only at a 1." I miss my old ob/gyn, she actually listened and cared.. and I know I shouldn't complain but I'm beyond miserable and we don't have any clue/guess as to what he could be weighing because they refuse to do an ultrasound (last one was done at 27 weeks... my husband said just look at it this way he's growing more.. and I do look at it that way but I can't walk, sleep or do anything without being in pain. I know I'm ranting but I can't help it.