Due Date Today (Venting)

Gloria • Blessed With A Baby Boy On The Way💙
Had what I thought would be my last drs appt today at 40 weeks only to be told my baby is ready to come out and engaged but my body is not cooperating! Was 1 cm at 38 & 39 weeks and now I'm at 2cm. Dr never mentions anything about the efaced part which is weird but anyhow I'm just so bummed out because the dr made it seem like its all on me. I know it is, but the way she said it, maybe it's because you're a 1st time mom but your body doesn't know what's going on because you ain't progressing. I haven't had any contractions or pains at all which dr says its semi norma but I need to walk more and have more sex. I've been walking up to 3 hrs daily and my poor hubby can't take anymore sex😂  Everyone keeps calling, texting and asking is baby here yet but I just feel like I've failed to bring my baby out into this world on time 😰 Especially being hispanic we are known to give birth naturally not being induced. My mom had 4 easy peasy births on or before due date, all natural, no epidural and definitely less than 3 hrs in labor.  
Now I'm waiting for a call about baby testing appt and if everything is fine with baby I will be induced on Friday the 21st.