Spooky stuff going on?

Mary • My beliefs and opinions are constantly evolving
I don't believe in ghosts, but I will admit, weird stuff has happened today 😂😭
Sorta made me rethink my whole "I don't believe in ghosts" thing 😂
So basically in my art class, the door was locked so no one could get in and there was no teacher inside since he was late. After a couple minutes of waiting, the door swings wide open and people are just like "wtf" and gasping and just looking so shocked and confused!!
Some guy checked inside the room to make sure no one was there, and no one was, so it was pretty creepy for the door to just open like that on its own... 
Also at home, my chairs kept making those horrible scratching sound of being dragged across the floor, but they were always in the same place! I was home alone too! 😭
But do you guys have any weird paranormal stories? I know mine wasn't serious or anything, but it was still interesting that it happened!