less time with my bf. 😩😩

So me and my bf recently stoped going to the same schools. He's 16 and I'm 15. We begin dating on march 1st. But we always said it was gonna be hard and I knew he was moving schools and we used to tell eachother we'd just break up but keep talking at the end of the school year, time went on and we pushed it to the end of the summer. And now we don't think we'll ever break up but it's been hard with him living further and I can't drive yet to go see him and he recently started working it's been getting harder to see each other and it's affecting both of us slowly but in a big way it's weird not getting to see eachother in person and we've just been on FaceTime all the time but I feel like we're slowly falling apart I'm so open with him about everything but I feel like he's not being the same way. Do you think it's just in my head?Â