what do u think?

So I this I might be pregnant I have just recently gotten off my BC (5or6 months ago) I was on it for 7years n I was supposed to start my period last Sunday n I still haven't gotten my period I've taken a test and it read negative but my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period tracker</a> is always right. Do you think I might be pregnant?
My boobs are a little sore 
some times nauseous 
A little more emotional 
Always hungry
I'm 6 days late
I'm cramping
Not constipated but I have a lot of gas
Tired all the time but that's not unusual for me 
Also I have been pooping a little more than normal
No discharge that I can tell 
Not throwing up though
I took a test on 9/30/16 and it read negative I took a test this morning 10/14/16 and it also read negative