So Pissed off!

Jessica • My husband and I are expecting our first child in December. This app has been a great help.
I'm so pissed off right now, I slept aweful last night! And it's all my husband's fault. Sometimes I swear i married a pussy. He's been whining about his eye saying he's got pink eye ( he don't) and that his eye hurts and like nothing's wrong with his eye! He goes to the doctor during my OB apt ( cause i mande the apointment he can't make for himself) and they said it's allergies and his levels are up a little in his left eye. 
So i help put his drops in and then last night he's waking me up at like 1 am cause of his eye saying he can't see. Well no shit it's dark go back to sleep! It's the one night this week i'm not yelling in pain from charlie horses and he's gotta wake me up!? 😡😡 
   I love my husband I do but i think he's been a bit of a wuss. And i realize I'll have to loose a lot of sleep once the baby's born, all the more reason to try to sleep now. I'm really not a bitch i'm just frustrated and cranky. I'll be calling his doctor again today.