Questioning baby's name...

Lainey • Due with Baby #1 Nov. 2016!
I'm 35 weeks 5 days pregnant with our first, a baby girl. My husband and I were not rushed about choosing a name and decided not to share it even when we did choose, until she's born. We had two names at the top of our list and earlier on were pretty sure we'd chosen one. My husband was very happy with it but I still felt unsettled. THEN we changed our minds completely and decided on something else. We even told a very few select people. I was SO over the moon with that name, but now I'm feeling indecisive again. What if it's the "wrong" name or it doesn't fit or she hates it?? Does is anyone else feeling this way? I haven't even told hubby I'm having these doubts again bc he's so happy and always calling baby girl by her name. Why can't I commit?!