She's mad at me because I got pregnant before her....


So... My best friend of seven years just told me that she has been avoiding my texts, my calls, etc...because she is mad at me for falling pregnant before her. She explained that I should understand how she feels betrayed because she had specifically told me not to try getting pregnant before she announced to me that she was pregnant again. (huge sigh) She said that she didn't want to try until next year because it didn't fit into her life plan, and that we should have waited until then to even think about trying.

Okay.... I understand that she has had a lot of trouble getting pregnant (she struggles with PCOS and severe weight problems) and only just had her first child in May of 2015. However, I have had my own fair share of pregnancy issues. All of my living children were born prematurely and were considered high risk pregnancies. When I tried to explain that, she again became angry and said that I get pregnant at the drop of a hat..(true), but I don't usually carry the baby successfully. I have been pregnant over 30 times and only have four babies to show for it. Maybe that doesn't seem horrible to her, but my heart suffered each loss as though that baby had been here already and had passed. Regardless, my husband and I married in April of this year, and we had already decided that we wanted to try immediately. With my previous history, we figured that the sooner we started trying, the sooner we might succeed. I have four beautiful little ones already, three of which he will be adopting in April of next year, and we conceived our little girl one month after we were married. Fortunately, this little one is healthy, and she has been growing like a little weed. :) We are over the moon that God granted us this miracle so swiftly, and are angry, hurt, and confused at my best friend's behavior. All I see is someone whom I love fiercely acting incredibly self-centered and selfish. Is it just me? Are my hormones causing me to make mountains out if molehills?

I was going to have her be the Godmother, but she has been so unsupportive of my pregnancy, and, for that matter, anything not about her, that I went ahead and asked someone else to be the Godmother who has been there for my husband and me since before this pregnancy even came about.

How should I handle this?