Welcoming Baby Eli

Zayden Elias Nelson, born Oct 11, 2016 at 8:48pm. 8lbs 4ounces 20.4 Inches long. Natural 
• I was originally due Oct 8th but baby came on the 11th. The morning I went into labor I noticed my discharge was bloody and I was losing little pieces of my mucus plug. As a FTM I was concerned because I had no clue what was going on. I went into L & D at 8am and they checked me. I was only 1 1/2 Cm and baby was fine so they sent me home. Fast forward to 12 in the after I noticed that I was having what felt like contractions. Lower pelvic cramping, dull backache, and pressure in my bum. I didn't think it was labor so continued my day, went for a walk and during I noticed my contractions were getting closer. Still didn't think anything of it so I continued my day. Around 7pm my contractions were getting worse and actually coming every 3 mins. As soon as we got in my car to head to L & D MY WATER BREAKS! It was just a little gush but on the way to L & D more gushes were coming. Got there and I was 6cm! 10 mins later we switched rooms and another 5-6 mins went by and it was already time for me to push!!!! I cried when they said I couldn't get an epidural lmao i tore a little but baby and mama is A-Ok.