I'm so grateful for the friends I have!

Grace • Zion James 1/22/17, Kingston👼🏽 10/14/18, rainbow baby due December 19’🌈💕
So I've slowly been building up the wardrobe  for my son over the last few months, and I noticed that I really didn't have much for newborn and 0-3 months and he is going to be born in the winter! I had been buying more "summer" like outfits without even thinking about it. Well, I had mentioned to my friend how I thought I was sooo prepared but now I was nervous because I only have about 3 more months. She gave me over 12 sleepers, a fuzzy little snow suit, TONS of onsies, about 11 pairs of pants, 5 jackets, and a whole bag of newborn diapers and she would only take $15 for it all and it's all perfect condition. I just wanted to cry, it would be so much if I had went to a store to buy that all. I'm not even that tight on funds but for her to do that meant so much to me. I just feel like so many people who get pregnant at a young age have a lot of their friends drop them because they can't go out and party or do whatever...but I definitely have some awesome people in my life and I'm so thankful for them.