My scary story

We found out on Sept 6 on our 10w appointment that our baby was gone, and I was having a missed miscarriage. It was devastating, since we'd known about the bean since 4w and saw a heartbeat at both 6 and 8w. 
My dr advised to allow it to naturally pass, as the sac was decreased and my body had already started to absorb things. 
Cut to two weeks later, hubby and I have grieved and are trying to move on, he's gone back to work 6 hours say in Arkansas. The evening of the 19th, after having cramping and spotting all day, I was expecting the miscarriage to begin. It was about 10:30pm and I'd just stood up to walk to the kitchen and it suddenly felt like someone dumped a pitcher of hot water in my pants. 
It was gushing out of me, just blood, so fast and hard that I couldn't clean it up fast enough standing in the shower to get from the tub to the toilet without making a mess. I finally manage to hold a pad to me and grab my phone to see just how much is too much because I was getting scared. While sitting on the toilet the blood is simply pouring out of me like a faucet and I suddenly feel faint and realize I'm going to pass out.
I quickly called my father in law who lives next door thank goodness and wake him to take me to the ER, and manage to grab a towel and pull some clothes on by the time he races to get me. It's a ten minute drive to the local ER and I soaked through my clothes, the towel and his truck seat, and waddle inside to the admission area with blood basically soaking my pants from the waist down and running out into the floor from my pant legs. There's no one behind the admission desk but a family talking loudly in the waiting area, and they just stare at me soaked in and gushing blood as I pound in the window for a nurses attention. 
My father in law follows me in and they put me on a bed and a nurse helps strip me and bag my clothes, then swaddles me in the most dignified adult sized diaper of absorbent pads and we wait for bloodwork and they hook me to a liter of saline in an IV.  Not twenty minutes in, right as a nurse comes in I suddenly feel like vomiting and very dizzy and I start to tell her then I passed out, my blood pressure crashing. They revive me and add a second liter of fluid and continue to check my blood, all the while I'm still gushing so much they have to change my pad every 30 minutes. Hours go by, and I crashed once more before they decided to give me a blood transfusion and try to transfer me to one of the bigger hospitals 30 minutes away. 
I had called and woken my husband before I left to tell him it was happening and not to worry or leave work. By about 3:30 they're finally ready to move me and have just started the transfusion, and had given me pitocin in a suppository to try and ease the increasingly painful cramping I had been having for nearly five hours now. I would cramp in waves like contractions then huge bursts of blood and tissue would shoot out of me. It was terrifying. The downside to the pitocin was that it cause intensely painful intestinal cramping, so I was getting a double dose of the worse pain I've ever experienced. 
And I've been trampled by a bull!
So they put me into the ambulance and proceed to take the bumpiest route to the hospital, I lose consciousness once on the way while receiving the transfusion and am moaning and almost entirely out of it. Once at the hospital they put me back on fluids when my blood was done and around 5am I'm admitted to a room. The transfusion is helping and I decide, wisely, to help the nurses get me from my gurney to my bed by standing and trying to use the bathroom. 
I faint on the toilet with 5 nurses holding me up! I'm still gushing so much blood, and continue to bleed continuously until around 9am and pass out twice more, before they finally decide to do a d&c. My poor husband at this point is on the road driving like a bat out of hell but is still 6 hours away when they take me into surgery. 
Over ten hours of bleeding out and the moment I woke from the anesthesia I felt instantly better, it was incredible. They sent me home that afternoon once hubby arrived to get me. 
It's been two weeks and my iron levels are still very low even with taking prescribed iron pills and I have no stamina or endurance, 30 mins grocery shopping and I'm weak and dizzy. 
This shit sucks and it was the scariest event of my life, even after the bull tramping! Now I'm close to starting AF it feels like and I'm terrified the bleeding will start again. 
All the doctors and nurses tried to placate me and tell me it was normal to bleed so much and not to worry and I did a good job staying calm, but when I met with my doctor last week for my follow up she hugged me and said "I'll put it frankly, I'm very glad to see you sitting here in front of me today."
Phew. Sorry for the long read but the experience stands out still vividly in my mind and I don't have anywhere else to share this.