Need advice ladies

Hey ladies I need some advice I am so confused !! Last month my period was 5 days  late took test etc all neg, 6th day I came on a really heavy period lasted 5-6 days then stopped ... I decided to try the contraceptive patch out when I finished my period so this full month I have been on that anyway, came to the weeks break and after two days still no period don't know why but grabbed a test from last months confusion and serisouly didn't think I would get a positive seen as I was on the patch ...but  it's clearly not worked so I am now pregnant, but the confusing thing is I took the test a week after ovulating how can it be positive so soon?
 I have also took a clear blue and that's only saying 1-2 weeks has anyone else been though this I am so confused on how it's happens and come up so soon thank you