missing period

I'm on day 9 of being late, the latest I have ever been. It's been an odd couple of months because August it was 5 days late due to the stress I was under and last month my period arrived way early.
I know I should take a test to find out but I'm scared to incase I am pregnant. Plus I don't want to worry my bf about it if I'm not. I've already planned to get one before work and take it but again, scared. It's different when you know for sure you're not and your period will arrive in a couple days but it's been different this time around. 
It's just not the right time if I am with working two jobs and returning to school in January. I'm stable enough to raise one but it wasn't in my plans for another 3 years when I turned 28. 
Just needed to vent and get it out because there's no one to tell who wouldn't tell everyone.