Can't take the pain any longer!!!

So I am almost 25 weeks been having irritation and swelling and now burning down there so at 23 weeks I went to doctor they said I had blood in urine and it was a bladder infection okay so I took amoxicillian well 4 days in and it got worse. Went back to the doctor said the previous doctor misdiagnosed me and she THINKS I have bacterial vaginosis so she gave me metrodonizale I also started to get hemorrhoids and she said to buy tucks from CVS and it should clear up in a few days we'll neither are working in fact it's just getting worse and worse my butt is bleeding I'm taking Epsom salt baths I'm using hemorrhoid cream and medicated wipes I'm taking stool softener and I'm being gentle and I'm taking antibiotics for the bv. I've switch soaps and everything I have done it all. It's getting worse as the days go by I literally cannot take the pain anymore!!!!!! My crotch is so swollen I can't walk it hurts to pee it hurts to wash it hurts to walk it hurts to sit it hurts to wear pants my god why! This has been going on for over 5 weeks now! I don't have another appointment until Nov. 1st today is Saturday and it's going to be rough to wait all day today and then all day sunday to call the office Monday so I don't know how serious this is but I'm tired of hurting and scared because of how long this has been going on should I go to the hospital tonight or just call the nurse Monday morning?