worried about looking too fat in maternity pics :(

So my maternity pictures are scheduled in less than 2 weeks and I've already ordered a (way too expensive) dress for these pics so I can't cancel now... I've gained 30 pounds and I'm 31 weeks pregnant... I feel so huge because I started this pregnancy 15 pounds heavier than I wanted to anyways... I'm having such a hard time thinking about getting these pics done and having them posted online for everyone to see how big I've gotten... I've always been the skinny girl that is stylish and looks good and now I feel like I'm on display for everyone to gawk at and say "omg did you see how big she got!?" I just needed a place to vent because it's hard to be a woman in today's society where our bodies are looked at from a cosmetic point of view and not of a health perspective. I just need some support from other mamas out there that actually gained weight and didn't look like a model the day of delivery like I see so much on here... because that's definitely not me :/