27 weeks and heart broken!!

I'm 27 weeks pregnant and my BF just left me no warning no goodbye just up and left. He's from Las Vegas and I'm from Texas where we were currently living together, but last Monday he came home from having lunch with his mother and sisters who were visiting and when he returned he packed his things and left back to Vegas, no explanation!! I'm currently unemployed as he was working to pay the bills and I would keep up with the house; he have pets (2 dogs 2 ducks - one that just laid eggs) I don't know what I'm going to do I'm super stressed!! If tried reaching out to him only to find out He's blocked/deleted me from all social media and blocked my number so I have no way of getting in contact with him. I'm so heart broken!! I feel so lost and confused?? I'm super depressed all I do is cry and puke, I don't sleep, I can't eat.. idk what to do!!??!