something just doesn't feel right...

Had a doctors appointment on Thursday and I've been having issues with major migraines, dizzy spells, loss of vision, and having a hard time regaining it back. Not to mention the crazy amount of times I go to the bathroom, my undying thirst, fatigue.. and my constant need to be stuffing my face. I am 23 weeks pregnant, and he feels that it may have something to do with my glucose or my iron levels, but says it's too early to do the blood test for either one of them. 
So what exactly am I supposed to do until I AM far enough along? Wait around to see if I get worse? Possibly faint or pass out while taking care of my toddler?? I called yesterday, and his nurse told me to call my PCP and have her order some diagnostic tests. I asked if I should just go to women and infants hospital and she told me it wasn't necessary? I just want to know what's going on!!