Doing this alone

With my first pregnancy 7 years ago I did not have a supportive significant other. I was cheated on and severely emotionally abused throughout. It was the worst experience I've ever had. When I first found out I was pregnant this time I was so excited to finally be having a baby with an amazing man who loves me and whom is supportive and excited. Well tonight we have gotten into a huge fight over an issue that happened in the past. He grabbed his things from our apartment and left. I just simply dont have the energy to chase him and beg him to believe me when I say I love him and only want to be loyal to him. And so I'm choosing to block him so that I can move on and accept that I'm doing this alone all over again. I've never cheated on him or done anything to seriously jeapordize our relationship, but I'm just done having emotional break downs and fighting. I am beside myself, I wanted to be able to celebrate my baby moving for the first time with the man I love. Maybe someday I'll get another chance.