when did you see a heartbeat

I'm 5 weeks And 5 days now. I bled yesterday it was one big gush of bright red blood no clots. Enough to fill maybe a liner. By my third wipe there was no
More blood. Went to ER got HCG levels checked and US. levels were at 1800 but she told me they couldn't  find a heartbeat. She also said I had small hemoraging that may have caused the blood. I have to go back Thursday to check my levels again and see the OB. I haven't been bleeding since until I went to pee this morning after I finished some  right red blood came down. No More after two wipes. No clots. I don't have cramps either. I'm truly scared. And just wish I knew what to prepare for. Is it possible that everything is ok. And I was just too early to see a heartbeat. I just need some reassurance or a slap with the truth. My SO keeps telling me not to worry and there's still hope. I'm just so scared.