Need opinion

I just lost my son at 22w5d exactly six weeks ago, I'm showing signs that I could be pregnant again, I used a opk and it came out faintly positive, I know they pick up ovulation and pregnancy hormones. That's how I found out I was pregnant with our son, I accidentally used an opk instead of a hpt, I got a positive on both. So could I be pregnant again? I see a doctor in two weeks anyway for some blood work, but this is just racking my brain.
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Posted at
Oh my god... How terrible! I'm so very sorry for your loss! You probably COULD be pregnant. I guess it would depend on (and I'm not sure) how long the hcg stays in your system after a lost pregnancy.  Does anyone know how long?


Nikkitta • Dec 28, 2014
as far as I know it goes to zero after you stop bleeding


Posted at
Thank you ladies, it's been an honest nightmare! But I heard it goes to zero after you stop bleeding. Mine stopped two weeks after his birth, we started having sex right after, not really trying but trying at the same time. I only took it cause my husband asked me if I was pregnant. I see the doctor in two weeks for a blood test anyway so I can test then, but this happened last time, the opks were light at first and then darkened and I used a preg test and positive too. Idk, most people go to their six week check ups and end up four weeks pregnant. I'm just staying hopeful


Posted at
Fingers crossed for you 


Posted at
First of all, so sorry for your loss, that's terrible and I hope you heal quickly. What you need to make sure is that rhe hcg is gone from your system from your previous pregnancy. Has your blood been tested? Also I was able to use a OPK as a pregnancy test, but also confirmed with a positive pregnancy test, but if the test line on the OPK is lighter than the control, then that isn't positive. I would test only with a hpt test and confirm with blood test to make sure this is a new pregnancy and not leftover hormones in your system. It hasn't been that long since your loss especially being as far along as you were, that would make me cautious. Please keep us updated, praying this is indeed your rainbow baby. You deserve it love! 


Brittany • Dec 28, 2014
Line on an OPK.


Brittany • Dec 28, 2014
Also, we almost always have some lh in our system which is why the test line must be as dark or darker than the control