confused about my own body :-(

Today I'm aggravated.....let me start off with I haven't been pregnant in 9 years....ok so I am post tubal reversal and I broke the rules and had sex before I was suppose to but I honestly wasn't expecting anything atleast this cycle. Now my body has lost its damn mind. I am now 3 days before af is due and my cervix is high soft and completely closed, my breast are super sore, and I'm having some odd discharge that is clear but more then I ever have. I took a early pregnancy test and it's negative but I can't figure out has my body just gone nuts from the surgery??? I have tracked my cervix the last few months so that when I had my tubal reversal I would know what to look for but a week prior to af my cervix is normally mid-low and firm. Now I'm 3 days out and so confused. Could this surgery have changed everything about my cycles? I understand cervix is not a sure sign of pregnancy but something is definitely weird. Last night I was laying in bed and literally felt the discharge....I thought I started my period. (Sorry TMI) Just frustrated and confused. I guess if af is late I'll retest. 😒