husband's family is driving me insane

He has a daughter who is three from his ex girlfriend. I'm 13 weeks pregnant. When he told his grandma I was pregnant, she said, "oh wow congrats" then made a comment to my mom "oh yeah that first grandbaby/great grandbaby is the most special" which was kind of rude. Like my baby is important, too. She constantly says it's a boy because she already has a granddaughter, when my husband & I both want and think it's a girl. We carved pumpkins today and did one for me and husband and the baby with a paci and she's like "_____ needs one." But she wasn't with us to carve/paint because she was throwing a fit for 30 hours for her mom. It's annoying because she's made serveral comments and has me feeling like my baby isn't as important because it's the second grandchild. She constantly posts pics of my stepdaughter as her profile pic and cover photo and hasn't posted any of my ultrasound pictures. It's driving me insane. 
Edit: She has every single ultrasound from my stepdaughter on her Facebook actually. Yet hasn't posted any of the ones I've had. I don't expect her to deny my stepdaughter, just acknowledge my baby. Don't think that's too much to ask. She's acting like my baby is lesser than because it's the second. Not even acknowledging she's gonna be a great grandma again. At least my MIL was excited to be a second time grandma. His grandma's reaction to finding out wasn't happy it was like "oh wow congrats" in a terrible tone. Not of excitement.