car accident 30 weeks pregnant

Tonight, my husband and I were in a wreck. I was driving when a lady ran a stop sign and t-boned us. It was the scariest moment of my life as I am 30 weeks pregnant. My first thought was my baby and my husband. Thank God we were all okay, including the lady who hit us. She did not care AT ALL about human life. She called me some colorful words. First thing she said to me was "b****why the f***you crying?! You don't have insurance huh?? You stupid white b****" I was so taken aback. How dare she make such assumptions. My husband and I are very hardworking people who pay all our bills, including our INSURANCE. I had to walk away. There was no reason to argue with such a cruel and mean spirited person. She even talked to the police officer saying she stopped at the stop sign. The police officer then said "well how did you hit them if you stopped at the stop sign?" She then got all mixed up on her words and didn't know what to say. All in all, I am so glad we are okay. Hold your loved ones a little closer tonight and tell them you love them, I know I will.