Not the day I expected!!

Welp I'm 36weeks and 4 days, and I woke up this morning with what I thought was Braxton Hicks. First time I woke up was around 630am knowing I had an Dr . Apt today I felt "Braxton hicks and decided I'll just go back to sleep until it's time to get up. Well 7am came I woke to another "Braxton hicks" and said well I'll go back to sleep I'm tired any way. At 8:15am I decided to get up and get my family's clothes ready for the day. My apt was at 9:40am and while I was there I just felt so bad those Braxton hicks would not let up. So I told my Dr. And she went ahead and checked my cervix... I was dilated 2.6/3 cm so since I had issues with my placenta she hooked me up to a machine to make monitor the contractions and the baby heart beat... Welp now these contractions were 5 mins apart so she sent me across the street to labor and delivery. I gave birth around 3:30 maybe... I was rushed for an emergency c section due to blood in my fluid from my amniotic sac. I had my HEALTHY baby boy today 😍😍😍 6 lbs 19in