Experienced moms.. growth spurt or teething?

Sara • 7.2.16 👶☀️ • 9.16.18 👼⛈️ • 8.26.19 👶🌈

Long post... but I can't figure out if my baby girl is an early teether or if she is just going through a particularly nasty growth spurt. For the past 4 days, it's like a switch flipped. My normally sweet, happy baby is totally inconsolable. She has been cranky before but nothing like this. If she were younger I would wonder if it was colic. She is 3.5 months (15 weeks) so I can tell the difference between her cries and this one is what she does when she is scared or hurt. Her gums aren't red or swollen and I don't see a tooth yet but I also can't get a good look because of her flailing. She is showing an interest in teething toys (never has before) and is constantly sucking or chewing on her hands, bib, anything really. And just started drooling buckets out of nowhere. I try to feed her and she does eat a little but mostly wants to comfort nurse, and nursing is slightly painful sometimes now where we've had no issues for 3 months. On the other hand, today she is napping like crazy. She slept through the night, woke up for an hour to eat and be changed, but then fell back asleep at 9 and it's past 1 now and she's still sleeping!! She didn't nap at all yesterday but this is still unheard of. And I thought teething caused wakefulness? I just don't know what to make of all this! Any insight??

Edit to add, no fever or signs of sickness at all. No tugging on ears or anything.