breastfed baby eating enough?

He's taking about 9-12oz BM at daycare 8-4:30. Then BF when home, mostly for comfort, on and off until 7:30. Then he takes a 2oz bottle and we've been giving him 2-3oz at 10 and then I breastfeed him to sleep. He then wakes at 12, 2:30, and 4 and breastfeeds one breast for 10m or less. Then I breast feed him 1-2 breasts, depends on day, around 7 before daycare. He seems to have a good amount of wet diapers but they're not as wet as they used to be, or we're changing them more often - not sure. Don't know how his weight is either. 
He also never used to be good at breastfeeding because he falls asleep fast although he's gotten better recently. 
I'm just very concerned he's going to lose weight. He's breastfeeding a lot more now that I'm back to work, ironically, and taking less at daycare. A couple weeks ago, start of daycare, he was taking 15oz. Though I think they were feeding him for every cry and we talked them out of that bc they were wasting a lot of BM.