Is this normal for guys?

Okay a little bit of background, My partner and I have been together almost 3 years now, neither of us have had any STD's I once had a yeast infection but that's the worst either of us have had and both get checked fairly regularly just to be on the safe side. But the other day when I was giving him head I noticed some white discharge under  his foreskin, I've never seen anything like this before. I mean I might get some discharge every now and again but never from him (mine is all normal just get some when I'm ovulating mainly). But my question is, is it normal for guys to have white discharge? Has he always had it but maybe I've never noticed it? Has your partner or past partner had that? Should I be worried? Is it a sign of an std? Sorry if it sounds stupid just really not sure! When I saw it I told him and he just had a shower and said he didn't know what it was and didn't seem to care but honestly I can't help but overthink haha any advice would be great thanks!