The power of prayer


The power of prayer! My son Devin Jr was born Tuesday. I always pray for my boys and my family but that morning I knew I was going into labor I prayed for him to be safe and healthy. During labor I got to 9 cms and my sons heart rate began to drop dramatically every time I had a contraction. I began to pray then again asking god for everything to just be ok for him that he again would be safe and healthy. The nurses came in quick and pushed my last cm over in order for me to start pushing immediately. I was pushing for 30 to 45 minutes with the baby's head crowning but he wouldn't come no further. All of a sudden i was laid completely back and was being yelled at to NOT STOP PUSHING. As the nurse jumped on top of my body and pressed her body weight with her fist into my pelvic and I gave every last breathe I had to push the baby out the rest of the way. I knew no knowledge of what happened in that moment but they handed me my son and he began to cry. He was dark purple and I began to cry and broke out in prayer again as they told me his umbilical cord was rapped around his neck he had stopped breathing and his shoulder was stuck he wouldn't come out. I truly believe that power of prayer is unexplainable! He had god there with him shielding and protecting him. Amazing nurses who reacted and saved my boys life. He gave me the strength to keep pushing. I couldn't of felt more blessed and thankful to him our father crying tears of joy!! Be proactive! Pray, give your family that shield of protection it is our duty as mothers as wives