had a hard time keeping my mouth shut

Lovemylife • Mom to two awesome girls. 1 MC. Had my rainbow baby boy 6/5/2017!!!! So in love 😍
My apt complex had a trunk or treat today. I am 6w4d pregnant and have two kids. This whole event was for kids and was full of kids. This lady walks in stands in the middle of all the kids with a freakin cigarette hanging out of her mouth puffing away. Wtf: I use to smoke for over 10 yrs I quit and went to vaping then weaned myself off vaping. I would never do this. Go smoke where your away from kids. Have some fucking respect for others. This is why smokers have a bad name. It's your choice to have a bad habit. Protect kids. I was so disgusted I knew if my mouth opened it wouldn't b anywhere near polite so I grabbed my kids and went home so I didn't make a scene.