In need of baby dust!

My husband and I are trying. He is so supportive and excited and I am so lucky to have him. We have only been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and really giving it all we've got for two months - see I was on depo Provera for 5 years w\o a cycle. I've only have one full blown cycle since then (in early october), but I'm hopeful. My period is late (1 day), assuming I'm regular again. I've had heartburn for 4 days! This is unusual for me. I've been eating like a mad woman (ive developed a new fondness for pickles). My nipples are sore. I've been on prenatals for two months now. It may just be that I want it so bad that I'm fooling myself into thinking PMS is pregnancy. I'm going to wait and see if my period starts before I take a test on Friday. Need some of my glow friends to send us some baby dust!