Sleep and congestion

My LO sleeps in a RNP due to reflux. I would really like to get him out of it before he gets too big and it ends up being a forced thing. I've been laying him down at bedtime in the pack n play and he falls asleep after some fussing. The problem is i can't get him to stay asleep in it. I've tried incling the mattress but he just ends up sideways because he rolls all around and the incline does no good. He ends up waking about an hour after going down (for whatever reason) and can't go back to sleep. I give him the paci but it seems like he can't breathe through his nose so he spits it out then cries because he wants it and this goes on and on until i pick him up and hold him upright for a while. Then he gets the paci and back to sleep only to wake up to do it all over again within an hour. I'm so tired. Idk what to do to help him sleep better in the pack n play. He has no congestion issues when in the rnp. It's been a rocky road for my LO and me... I'm happy to say we've made it to 5 mos and I haven't gone crazy yet. Lol