
Hello ladies I'm 29 been with my partner over a year and been trying to conceive for 9 months nothing seems to be working though I've tried ovulation sticks the peak flow building up sperm having sex everyday you name it I've tried it! Recently I had right ovary pain was sent for an internal scan that came back with a 17mm cyst I was then re scanned and it was gone was then sent to the gyne team he said nothing to worry about I asked him about my problems he said he would put on my letter to go to the fertility team so I went back to my doctors they performed an examination a smear test a sex health test and two blood tests they all came back normal then I had two more blood tests one day three of period and one at cycle day 21 these top came back normal! Then this months period was late 8 days to be preciset I was so scared and anxious so I went to my doctors told them how I felt they said go to the EPU for a blood test and on Saturday it came back negitive followed by my period later that day! So now I'm looking for some advice really or maybe just to vent my journey! Thanks for reading looking forward to hearing from you soon