Our Stillborn Angel, Lexie Grace

My husband and I lost our angel Friday, Oct 21, 2016. We found out Aug 18 she had Bladder Outlet Obstruction. Her bladder would fill with fluid, but she was unable to urinate. This caused her bladder to be extremely distended and she had no amniotic fluid. We tried having a fetal bladder stent inserted three different times, but none of them worked. We were having to go once a week to have her bladder drained. 
Thursday, Oct 20 I started cramping really badly around 10pm. I'd had horrible morning sickness that lasted all day the previous few days, so I thought it was due to dehydration. At 3am, I called a midwife and she told me I was probably dehydrated and it was most likely Braxton Hicks. She told me to drink water and if it didn't stop to go to labor and delivery. 
At 6am, my husband and I notified our specialist's office and made the hour and a half trek to his office. They examined me and informed me I was 4 cm dilated and 100 percent effaced. Even though she was breech, they wanted to try a vaginal birth because it would be the best option for both of us. An hour and a half later, I began pushing and tried pushing for over an hour with no luck. They gave me Pitocin to try to naturally help her along. A few hours later, my Mom, husband and I were talking when the nurse came in and said she'd scooted away from the fetal monitor. After trying to find her heartbeat, another nurse and the doctor entered and tried to it as well. They brought the ultrasound machine in and told us her heart had stopped. 
Lexie Grace was born at 6:39 pm Oct 21 and weighed 4 pounds, 5 ounces at 28 weeks. She had the chunkiest little cheeks and body, and a full head of black hair. She's our first baby and will always be our little angel. 💖😇