Sad to leave... 😔

Just want to wish everyone the best of luck on their pregnancies. 
Little update for me... We went in for our 8 week scan today, and it looks like either the embryo stopped growing at week 6, or it's a "blighted ovum" which is an empty sac. Either way, I'm really just waiting to miscarry at this point. I was given the option to do the D&C procedure, so I'm hoping to get this scheduled this week. I don't think I could deal with actually experiencing a miscarriage and seeing everything come out of me. That would be too heartbreaking. 
I'll be returning to the other <a href="">Glow app</a> and we'll begin trying again maybe a month or so later. If anyone can offer advice, that would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I hope all of you have an easy and healthy pregnancy. ❤️