Not how we planned on having baby Trey...long story

It has been 12 days since we've brought Trey home he was 16 days earlier. On 10/13 I went for my normal 37 week ultrasound and visit I was going to the doctor to check on his 2 vessel cord and to see how much weight he had gained in 2 weeks the nurse practitioner told me that the baby had stopped gaining weight and it looked like the placenta was working overtime to get blood and nutrition to the baby. She was going to talk to the doctor but expected we would have baby within a week. We knew eventually this would happen once we found out he had a 2 vessel cord instead of 3 vessel. I left the doctors thinking I'd have at least five days to prepare myself my girls my SO and my job. I was not 5 minutes down the road when the office called saying that I needed to go to the hospital now I was being induced today. I was a nervous anxious mess. I was not prepared! Luckily my SIL was with me and she helped arrange rides for my daughters and all the last minute detailed stuff that needed to be done. by 1:30pm I was in LD hooked up to a fetal monitor and waiting for the dr on call to finish surgery. By 3 o'clock the doctor came in and we had talked about the Foley bulb or Pitocin he decided to check and I was 2 cm dilated 100% effaced so we decide to do Pitocin i was removed  the triage room into a delivery room and they were starting to get all IVs and everything ready at this time we were still waiting for my significant other to show up as he was finishing up with work the dr decided to wait until my SO showed up to start they decided the Pitocin which was at half the smallest dose as to go easy and slowly into labor by 630 the first dose was in for 10 minutes when the nurses started asking that I move switch positions I had assumed it was because baby had moved away from the monitor. It wasn't a  minute later and we noticed all the nurses and the doctor come in to tell us of the baby at flatlined so they stop the Pitocin immediately and his heart rate came back they decided to wait two hours to see how he was doing if it was still under stress the doctor did mention should this happen again the safest option was a C-section I requested that we come back to this topic if and when we needed to and if it was the only option for the baby and myself by 9 o'clock we decided to start the Pitocin again eight minutes and the baby had flatlined and everybody came rushing back into the room at that time the doctor said we have our option we need to get the baby out now I had no time to prepare for a C-section it was probably the most traumatizing event of my life and at 10:16pm on October 13 was born at 5 lbs 3 oz And 18 inches long once everything was all said and done the doctor came to see me in the room and stated that we made the best decision ever as he would not of survived labor he was cord wrapped his entire head his neck and his entire body was wrapped so had we just continue to go with  labor he may not have made it and it would've ended up in a C-section