Sickness is taking over me 😢

Anyone have any remedies for sickness and loss of appetite. My sickness is getting to the stage were I am throwing up my food and never feel hungry. I've tried ginger biscuits and don't work for me because I don't like the taste. Don't know how much more I can take. Today has been the worst yet, I've been sick 5 times and have only managed to eat a small bowl of pasta which came back up, so technically there's no food in me today😔 getting worried I'm going to lose weight etc when I'm already underweight. I've got my first midwife appt tomorrow so hopefully my midwife suddgests something. In only 7 weeks I really hope I don't feel like this for long. I've just been off work on annual leave these past 2 weeks and I go back on Saturday.. I don't want to tell anyone about my pregnancy untill my first scan but I doubt I'm going to be able to hide running back and fourth the toilet. 😔 is 7 weeks still to early to tell work or shall I just tell them now ?