what to expect...

Hi everyone-
I'm looking for some insight on what to expect in my upcoming appointment with a fertility specialist. Here's my story: My first pregnancy was going great back in December 2015. Went in for the ultrasound at close to 9 weeks and found out it was twins but there was no heartbeat for either. They were measuring at a little over 8 weeks. Had a d&c a week later in early January 2016. Got pregnant again in July and HCG level and progesterone were low but progressing (not st a doubling rate but enough there was some hope). I was on progesterone suppositories but ended up not progressing anymore and miscarried naturally at 5 1/2 weeks. After that My husband had tons of blood work done for chromosomal and hormonal abnormalities and there were no issues and we told it was likely just "bad luck". I got pregnant again in late August and things were going great. I was being monitored very closely. Blood work every 3 days and all numbers were very good. I had one scare at 6 weeks the day before the ultra sound with very light blood but that was it. We truly though we were loosing the baby but went in the next day and all was well. Great heartbeat and everything. We were over the moon and thought we were finally there. The dr was even able to explain the light bleeding as a small tear in the lining of the uterus which should easily heal itself. Went back a week later and there was no heartbeat on the ultra sound. A week later I had yet another d&c. This time the dr said he had "no clue" what went wrong other than the possibility of it either being a chromosomal issue with the baby or the tear causing more trouble than expected. The dr refered me to the specialist (the only in town) and I can't get in until January 11 :( In the mean time we are advised to "stop trying and use cobdoms" as miscarriage is still very likely. 
My question is has anyone gone through anything similar? Also, where do you think the specialist will begin? Since I can get pregnant but maintaining the pregnancy is the problem I'm just not sure what can be done? My regular dr was going to do and ultrasound when not pregnant to check the structure of my uterus before I got pregnant for the third time but now he wants be to wait and see what the sidciskist says. The blood tests showed no clotting issue but he said that is still a slight possibility. I'm just heartbroken and feel lost without a plan or knowing what to expect.