itching like crazy!

So last week at almost 31 weeks, I started to itch everywhere. It raised a flag to me because it wasn't just on my stomach and I woke up one day with a giant scratch across my stomach from where I was scratching so hard. It was constant and nothing helped soothe it. I called my OB and she prescribed me a cream told me I could take Benadryl and said she thinks it's PUPPS. Well, I looked up PUPPS and it's a rash. I don't have a rash. I went ahead and followed her instruction to see if it helped. It hasn't. I was up almost all of lastnight with insane itching on my palms of my hands and the bottoms of my feet mostly. They feel like they're burning because they itch so bad and I can't get any relief. I was literally on the verge of tears. I talked to my cousin because she had the same issue with 3 of her pregnancies. She said it was called "intrahepatic cholestasis". She had to be induced early (like 36 weeks) because one of the risks is still born. My dilemma is that I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but I honestly don't know if I can take any other day of it. But then again idk what they can really do to give me relief? Any suggestions? This is my first pregnancy and I'm freaking out 😩😰