It made me laugh...

So last night my husband and friend popped in to the local kebab house because dinner got burned! We were waiting for our order when a group of French women came in and one of them took a step back in to me and her arm hit my bump. 
Anyone who is 37 weeks pregnant knows how concrete our bumps are. A small whack to the bump is going to do no damage at all. If anything her arm bounced off! 
My husband smirked, I giggled, my friend snorted but this poor French woman grabbed my bump and almost started crying in fear of having hurt me! I couldn't stop laughing. My husband kindly pointed out to her that my bump has had far worse treatment (including an embarrassing door incident of which I opened a door on it and then proceeded to try and squeeze around the door...what can I say? I'm clumsy!) 
Anyone else had any funny near misses? 