help here

I'm 37 weeks and 5 days since yesterday I really haven't felt my bby girl move as much yea she has move here n there but not as much.also I been feeling a lot of numbness on my thighs,fingers hands and hips.i haven't told my doctor because every time I tell him anything he'll just say ur fine or it normal.i feel lik he isn't doing his job because I been complaining since I was 6 months about itchyness and so much fatigue and other symptoms and I ask him to do blood work for my liver since that runs in my family and I'm due in less than 2 weeks and I couldn't take the itchyness so I demanded him to do it n guess who was right me I have really high elavated liver enzyme.
Ps he was my doctor for my first son.and I loved him but I think it to late to change doctor