I Feel Worthless

So I'm a housewife, my husband is in college. We're pretty comfortable on money when we budget well but we're still learning so sometimes we screw up and run out. I feel worthless because I don't work. I want to... but I think I have really bad social anxiety and depression. I get excited about getting a job (I've been hired at different places 4 times in the last 3 years) and everything but on my first day I am filled with dread and I almost can't function around all of the people and I can't even get out of the bed. I become hysterical, panicking over it. So I quit after the first day or second. My husband understands... I think. He says it's okay and doesn't force me to work. He likes having me at home. But I feel worthless because we would be better off if I did. And I can't hardly get out of the bed when I don't work to clean or do anything. My mom is always calling me lazy and talking about my laziness to family members. She doesn't understand nor want to. I don't have any friends, the ones I had are all angry with me over dumb stuff. And I feel so depressed and worthless over my body. We have been TTC since we got married but nothing has happened because of my PCOS. I'm overweight and gross, my hair is never nice and fixed because I don't ever feel like it. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Do you think I'm just lazy? I guess I just needed to say all of this since and ask what you strangers think since I don't have any friends to talk to about it.