Is it to early

Is it to early if I go and do a sonogram, I'm just 5wks 2days
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Don't expose your fetus to unnecessary ultrasound waves, there is not much to see yet. Wait a least till the 8-10 week mark. It's always up to you. Just a thought.


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You won't see a baby yet or hear a heartbeat and a lot of places won't even do them that early, especially if they have no reason to think you are high risk. just call your doctor and see when they will get you in congrats!!


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I had bleeding at 4w - couldn't get in to see my gp till I was 5w they gave me a scan and all you could see was a empty sac however at 7w there was a baby, yolk and heart beat


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Don't do it yet unless there's a big cause for concern


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Yeah its too early, your baby would only be 3 weeks and 2 days. Most Obgyn offices won't see you until you are at least 8 weeks.